Specializing in medical office space since 1978


Area Hospitals Make Plans To Meet On-Site Office Demand

Miami Today | By: Janel Shoun

With on-site medical office space occupancies high and rental rates increasing throughout the county, many area hospitals have plans to build new medical offices.

Kendall Regional Medical Center opened in April a new 110,000 square foot medical office complex and maternity ward, and Deering, Baptist and Mercy hospitals all have office buildings in design.

Overall occupancy for medical office in Dade County as of January was 87% - a 5% jump from last year, said Kenneth Weston, president of Kenneth Weston & Associates, specializing in medical office space. Rental rates, ranging from $14.50 - $25 have been stable over the past year, he said.

Success of a new medical office building all depends on where it is located and what types of doctors are being courted, Mr. Weston said.

